Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Adorable Family...

Mairin - Spring 2008 This is a face you just can't say no do you guys do it? :-)
Thanksgiving 2000 - That's my sweet daddy! Jolene, you can't hide forever.

AND the 'Couple of the Year' Award goes to...Gene & Mollie - look at how adorable they are together Spring 2008

Jonathan looking like a hottie for his homecoming dance - 2005

Candice in her HOT Belly Dancer Halloween Costume - Oct 2005 going for that very chic look! June 2007
Lover's Touch -
I captured a beautiful moment between this couple at Le Petite Cafe in Soho with Mollie
Mollie's trip to NY May 2007- we enjoyed...
- Lunch at Walls Wharf in Bayville overlooking the LI Sound and CT
- Wine tasting on Eastern LI
- Montauk Yacht Club Hotel and dinner at East by Northeast where we met an adorable Irishman
- Lounging on chaises at Gurneys with the ocean crashing below
- Attending 'The Color Purple' (FANTASTIC)...pre-show cafe (Cafe le Paris in Soho), changing clothes in a taxi on the way to the show (hee..hee), and a fab italian dinner (Orso Restaurant) post show
- Great Conversation!
Orient Point, Long Island -
An interesting collage of shells

Greenport Long Island June 2008 - Chill'n with mom in front of the carrousel. This trip with mom we:
- Toured Ellis Island & the Statue of Liberty
- Drove out to Orient Point...stopped at Briermere Farm and then in Greenport along the way
- OF COURSE there was craft making involved in this trip :-)


Anonymous said...

I love your blog, we have a beautiful family, huh. I love you and cant wait to see you!


A journey of connection... said...

Soon Tyler will join our blog too! :-) Luv ya sis...

Anonymous said...

In a couple of months I will come out of hiding.... :-) This is a wonderful blog and I enjoyed all of the pictures of the family. Looking forward to seeing you soon!!! yee pee

Love ya lots...

Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful person inside and out. I love you very much. Can't wait to see more of your future blogs.

Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey BabyGirl! did a fantastic job on this site, Jen. I've visited now a couple of was fun to see pics of some of the people and places you've told me about, to put a face to those experiences. Here's to many more....:) Bobby