Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Tribute to Bella...

The English of the most loving breeds EVER. Smart, witty and extremely independent this breed can learn all the tricks in the book in just a few days but will only do them on command if they are 'in the mood'. Bella was full of love, compassion and spunk. While dealing with some...not so fun health matters, she laid in bed with me for hours on in...not making a sound, not demanding attention...she somehow knew that mommy was not in good shape. Bella was the best companion I could have ever asked for! (She is wearing her Gator gear in this pic...Congrats to the Gators for a great season!)

Bella and mommy posing for the camera with our girlie aura!

Ok...that is just too cute! A signature look for Bella...the "Sloppy Tongue" pose.

In the winter of 2006 Bella went to live with Bernie and his family. Bernie had a rare neurological brain disease and was not expected to live very long. He beat the odds after Bella entered the picture and lived another year...a year filled with lots of puppy playtime.

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